Managing NFT Attributes in Processing

I made it through eight months of working on generative art before I realized that there’s a HUGE part of NFTs that I was missing… attributes[]. Shoot! What a bummer! Nevermind that when I came over from PHP/js only experience I wasn’t using arrays or array lists in Processing. The FIRST THING I should have done was figure out how to track and store attribute data in my work. Well, that’s how I feel now. The journey’s really been about figuring out how to art with code. This would have been a “smarter” way to go about managing the variability/variety/permutations in my art from the get go.

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Lines Across Canvas

multicolored lines from the left of the canvas to the top right of the canvas, generated according to a simple algorithm
multicolored lines from the left of the canvas to the top right of the canvas, generated according to a simple algorithm
Feb 2022 – unfinished

Lines Across Canvas was my second Processing project. I learned a lot about design programming principles, data organization, and thinking about iteration in the void draw() { loop. I was a month or so into learning how to write in Java and use Processing. I also joked (complained) to my friends and family about how I’d somehow come up with a way to make trigonometry and linear algebra my hobby.

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